Each of the TCAP (the California Arts Project, of which I was a founding member) sponsored events provided experiences and exposure to the most comprehensive understandings and practices in the field of Public School Art Education. Every moment of our time was spent asking ourselves questions that would lead us to solutions and innovations in learning as well as teaching. Always, arts educators were not just given opportunities to, but were required to produce art. The practice is that, how can an art teacher (or any other kind of teacher) be able to give students an accurate grasp of the subject unless they practice it themselves. Therefore, at RIMSCAP (our local unit) and TCAP, with each gathering, conference or learning institute, each participant did what was called Creative Inquiry, making art. So I took the CI project from the last CDI (Collaborative Design Institute) I was in and turned it into my "Swan Song" of teaching art for thirty-seven years.
It's now been two years in progress and this show is the current outcome. One thing about CIs or teaching/learning, it never ends. So, watch for more as I continue to "do" stuff.