Minerva Now Poster
This is a composite of two sketches and some lettering that I used when I designed T-shirts for the Minerva Project that we worked on in the Late Eighties.
This project was begun at a time when my daughter was at RHS. She and several other students began the restoration of the returned, statue of Minerva. It is now in the glass case in the foyer of Grace Mullen Auditorium. The project took several years and was completed at the time my son was a student. He actually carved the point of the spear. We had a long discussion of its meaning. During WWI when the statue held its place on campus, the students broke the point off the spear and lay it at the feet of the statue. My contribution was the restoration of the face, the hand, spear and the serpent. Ken McClellan and I wrestled a very large thick copper cable into the configuration of the serpent and I plastered and sculpted it. I also took my daughter to hear J. Krishnamurti in Ojai. She was on her way to UCSB, my alma mater. I hope these students now think about what they will do to leave evidence of their accomplishments.