Fingerprint Bar Code
I, first collected bar code labels to record the longevity of my time as a teacher. I then decided, "as a teacher" I needed to model the behavior of an artist and created the project of collecting bar codes to be used in a collage to make the design of my fingerprint. I needed to blow-up the fingerprint to be the size where the lines are in proportion to the dimension of the bar code labels. So, I used the computer to blow it up.
Once I began to see the possibilities of working with the fingerprint image on my computer, I decided to create a bar code out of my fingerprint; scanned it into the computer and placed it on Adobe Photoshop software to be dissected. I took the image of my fingerprint on the computer and used the Photoshop select tool to take a thin slice of the image from across the center of the fingerprint, then stretched the dotted image horizontally and took another vertical slice and stretched that image again. The result was that of a bar code that I'm claiming is my own personal bar code. Just a thought at one time, and now, "on the wall."
Size: 13 items
(23 items total)